One World One Heart GIVEAWAYY!!


So I stumbled upon One World-One Heart By Lisa Swifka and I thought it would be wonderful to participate in my own art-related giveaway.

You can find the info and list of participants here:

So what am I giving away??
I've been making lots of Alien themed Artist Trading Cards, and I thought it would be great to give one of them away...

My winner will receive:
an envelope fulled with...
-an Alien Themed ATC (Similar to those above)
-some interesting used postage stamps
-various scrap papers/collage images

To enter just leave me a comment, with your name and email!! :)
The winner will be drawn on February 12th, so you have until midnight on the 11th to enter!!


AlwaysInspired said…
Such cute ATC's! Please enter me!
Sign me up, baby, and come try for my giveaway, #310.
Dschrader said…
Ohhhhh, I love the ATC's. Too cute! Please enter me in your drawing!
Donna K. Schrader
Digital Misfit said…
Fantastic ATCs! I would love to win a set of those sweet alien monsters (and I do love extra crafty bits too!)

pop by my blog #469 on the caravan, for a visit and a giveaway!
Hermine said…
Great ATC, please count me in
Re said…
I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!
Trish said…
love your atc cards-so cute!!
Smokeylady60 said…
Very Cute
Please sign me up and if you would
like to sign up for my blue fused dish I am number 303.
Lilly said…
Please enter my name!! I love this giveaway! said…
Fun! Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at
Count me in! and feel free to check out my OWOH giveaway
Count me in! and feel free to check out my OWOH giveaway
ch said…
These are really cute! Please sign me up.

If you like to see my giveaway to go
Geri said…
Great Giveaway! Great Blog!
3rdEyeMuse said…
your Alien ATC's are out of this world! (sorry, couldn't resist) - too cute. :) please toss my name into your giveaway hat.

thank you & Happy OWOH-ing!
Miri said…
Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri
Mahala said…
Such fun ATC's. I'd love to enter the drawing.
Anonymous said…
Adorable ATCs! Please count me in. :)

And please do feel free to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway, too!
Gerry said…
What a fun give away. I love the monsters - too cute!

Please count me in. Be sure to pop over to my blog (I'm #98) to enter my give away.
kristi said…
very fun - I'm in!
come checkout our owoh giveaway too...
Anonymous said…
Oh, these are adorable! Please enter my name. If you have time, stop by my drawing.
sewfunky said…
Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to head on over to my blog to enter my OWOH giveaway too! (I'm #144 on the gypsy caravan...)
Allison said…
Ooh ooh ooh pick me pick me :)

Allison Campbell
Kaycee And Russ said…
Awesome!! I love these ATCs! And the other things would be awesome for my art journaling! Please count me in!

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com
Alice Regan said…
Love your giveaway. I'm having so much fun traveling the OWOH road! I am amazed at all the very talented and inspiring artists around the globe. I do hope you will pop on over to my OWOH giveaway.
Lisa W. said…
Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating also and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)
Chiara said…
please enter me and stop by my blog it is number 465
Unknown said…
Cute aliens! Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com
Patti G. said…
Jenn, Aliens away!!!! Fun, please include me! come play on my blog too! Hugs,Patti
graham hanks said…
love the aliens - very whimsical, BTW Thanks for visiting my blog
Kat said…
Your atcs are wayyyy too cute! =)

Deb said…
I could use some alien ATC's in my collection Jenn.

this is very nice ..please include me
Ooo - I just started getting hooked on ATC's - I'd love to win some! Thanks for entering my contest :) Good luck!

Bibi said…
What a neat idea for ATCs! Please include me in the draw and if you haven't yet, pop on over to as I am having one too and am moments away from revealing what it is! My email is bibtie(at)hotmail(dot)com - just in case I'm lucky enough to win :)
Twisted Hare said…
Aliens are great! Please add me to your list.
Thanks for stopping by Twisted Hare.
Wendylee said…
Yes please include me in this giveaway.

Stop by and check out my One world Giveaway.

Renee G said…
These are cute. My boys would love these.

Bella Modiste said…
Please count me in! And don't forget to sign up for mine!

~The Bella Modiste
Unknown said…
Thank you for giving away such a wonderful prize! Be sure to visit my blog to enter for mine too. Nice to meet you!

Thanks Bunches!
s hyler said…
Those are truely out of this world, What a wonderful give away, so nice to meet you.
Have a wonderful day,
Saskia said…
I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you!!

As I love making cards and ATC's... you have a wonderful giveaway!!

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,

I think your art is FUN ~*Jenn!*~
It's nice to discover you!
PLEASE- I invite you to stop by my blog too!

Amber Dawn
carylsrealm said…
Love these! They'd love to join my collection of ATCs, so please include moi! And stop by my OWOH!
simple~needs said…
please enter me!!
i am loving this idea, not just because of the giveaways but the opportunity to meet new bloggers.
daffy said…
i love your alien atc's
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine at
carolyn h
Doda said…
Very cute!
Please enter me!
And thanks for stopping by my blog!
oh so much fun!!! I love your style, please enter me in your wonderfully give away:)
Thanks for stopping by my blog (miss Rubik's cube) lol and entering my give away too:)

Cheryl said…
Very interesting giveaway! I would love to be entered. Thank you for stopping in at my blog.
Margi Laurin said…
I love your atc's . Please enter me in your draw and thanks for visiting me.
Karen 's World said…
I'd love to win one of your ATC's. Thanks for sharing.
What fun!! I would love to enter, and please stop by my blog and enter also!!
chris p
Rick Rosenshein said…
Thank you for joining in the OWOH event. It is wonderful that everyone can join in and meet each other for this event. Thank you for visiting my blog. Please add my name to your event,
Unknown said…
Your giveaway is awesome! Please count me in.
Cathie said…
Hi Jenn! Thanks for entering my giveaway and do please enter me in yours. Your little aliens are so cute, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to call them my own.
B.B. Bellezza said…
Awesome giveaway! I love ATC, and I also love all kinds of stamps, paper, etc.!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, as well! It is nice to meet you! :)

Janet Lee said…
I can always use stuff. Count me in.
How fun! I would love to win.
Please count me in.
Thanks- Letha
ChandraT said…
Hi Jenn! So glad you stopped by my blog! Definitely enter me in your giveaway as well..I love alien stuff and am digging the colors you use! I noticed you are in you go to art and soul in Hampton?
Pam said…
What cute aliens! Would love to have one. Please enter me.

Thanks for visiting my blog.
Kim Mailhot said…
I love your little alien guys ! And I always love to get bits and pieces from others to use in my pieces !Thanks for the chance to win ! Come by and
join in mine too. Enjoy the lovefest !
Linda S. Socha said…
I love it!! Please enter. These de3finitely need to live with me
Mayberry Magpie said…
A collage and ATC giveaway?! Be still my heart!

And thank you for stopping by Mayberry Magpie. It's been fun meeting so many new bloggers.
Thanks for visiting my blog and enter me in yours! So many blogs so little time! So many wonderful artists!!!!
jet1960 said…
Appreciate you stopping by my blog! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway! Those atcs are way cool! Thanks for the chance to win!

seahagstudio said…
what great giveaways!!! i love atcs! please drop my name in the hat! i am having a ball finding all these great new blogs. thanks,tracy
maryboys said…
please count me in! thanks for your visit and comment:)
LiLi M. said…
Thanks for dropping by and entering my owoh give away. You have awesome prizes here too! I love these bits and pieces to scrap or do other things with. Your alien cards are intriguing. Nice to meet you!
Brenda said…
Your alien ATC's are gorgeous, please enter me in the draw. (#574)
Anonymous said…
how son would love your aliens, I'd love one to frame for his room! please enter me, and thanks so much for stopping by my blog and entering my little giveaway!
Jodi said…
Very fun giveaway. My sons would love your alien cards ~ they would look really cute in a framed grouping. Thanks for the chance to win.
I love the colors you've used! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.
I like Aliens... count me in!
Kit said…
Love your ATC's. Please enter my name in your giveaway and come by my blog and do the same. Thank You! Kathy
SpiritMama said…
Fun ATC's, Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)
Laura said…
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Please count me in your giveaway, I have just started making my own ACEO's too :)
Jona Panesa said…
fun ATC's please enter me in your drawing. thanks.
Great giveaway Jenn, enter me please :) And thanks for entering into my giveaway also!
Marianne said…
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog! Your ATC's are great! I love them and teach ATC classes at our local stamp store here in Utah. Count me in for your drawing! Have a great day!
Lorri said…
Cute atc's, I have some on my giveaway too. So please include me in yours :)
Rice said…
How cute, please include me in your drawing. Thank you for visiting my blog and entering my drawing. This is my second year participating and I really enjoy it. : ) I hope you're having as much fun as I am.
Mimi Head said…
Wonderful ATCs! Please enter me in your drawing and thanks for entering mine. I would love to in art class again; there's nothing I like better than being a studio with other people making art and chatting! Yours, Emily
Linda Vincent said…
Sounds like a great prize - please count me in.
Thanks for supporting my give-away.
Faded Plains said…
Your ATC's are too cute! Count me in.
Latharia said…
Love your aliens!!!! :D If am so fortunate to have my name drawn, please deliver the exciting news to me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net! Please do visit my blog, too, for my giveaway of a customized mini-album! :D
Jendy said…
Your aliens are adorable! Please enter me; and thanks for entering mine!

Kara said…
Thanks Jenn for your lovely comments on my blog, please enter me, I have no alien ATC in my collection and yours would be greatly enjoyed.
Kara @ Innocent Charms Chats
Mimi said…
So fun! Please enter me in your drawing.

Stop by & enter mine, too. I'm #640.

Have a wonderful night!
Vicki Priebe said…
Great ATC's. You are very talented. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor
Olwyn Hughes said…
love the aliens! please count me in!
Plant Freak said…
Thanks for visiting my blog and I love your little alien guys! Enter me, Please!
Michelle McGee said…
These are stinkin' cute!
Kathy L said…
love the title of your blog! And I love those ATCs. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering!

Franny said…
Absolutely tooooo cute and all the other prezzies! Thank you for offering them!

I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many presents, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans!
Love the little aliens. Can't wait to see what other scraps and such you add to your giveaway.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com
Jan said…
Really cool ATCs! Please count me in! And thanks for your comment on my blog at #681.
trisha too said…
thank you for the chance.
owoh #177

sandtneal at mfire dot com
Anonymous said…
Adorable! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks!!
Pretty Things said…
Very pretty! I love your work!
Thanks for entering my drawing. Hope I win yours!!!
CatieAn said…
hi jenn
thank u for visiting my blog and signing up for my owoh giveaway.
I am so happy that you are so into art and love your work.
please enter me in your drawing
SuseADoodle said…
Enter me in your drawing -- PLEASE! :-)

Have a Great OWOH Blog-Hop!

"Suse Bee"
cheryl said…
What wonderful colorful aliens!

If you get a chance, stop by my humble OWOH:
Kathy said…
I adore those aliens!!!!

I would love to enter (and hopefully win) your drawing!
Please drop by my blogs if you get the chance:
ChatElaine said…
Great giveaway, funky aliens, please enter me into your draw.
Renee said…
from outter space right to my door. xoxo

Jenn Klee said…
Cool ATCs! Drop by my blog for my giveaway ;)
I love aliens. Some of my best friends are aliens! Enter me!
Terri said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cool ATC's. Thanks for the chance to win them.
altermyworld said…

pls add me, thank you for the HEART giveaway, stop by and visit me
Ellen said…
these are so cute please include me in your draw
BumbleBee Bagz said…
thank you for the comment and count me in!
Wendylee said…
Pick me Pick me!

Viki Banaszak said…
I love aliens! Please add me to your giveaway :)
beenebag said…
I would love to add one of your ATCs to my collection.Please enter me in your giveaway.

Sophie said…
Cute ATCs. Would love a chance to win.
Sophie in Montreal, Canada
martha brown said…
Your alien cards are too cute! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you so much!!! I'm off now to look at your blog some more!
Marilyn said…
Hi, fun! Love these little guys and would love to add one to my collection...please enter my name:) Thanks very much!
Fannie said…
Hi, Jenn. Thanks for visiting. Please enter me in your drawing.

I'm #789.

Aloha from Texas,
Sarahlé said…
Hehe how fun...! They are cute :) Please count me in, I would be delighted to win your gift :)
Many thanks to you, have a nice day

KKJD1 said…
Count me in too, please. My youngest son would love the ATC's and the rest mom gets! Thanks Karen
malleycc said…
Very nice ATC. I would love to win. THanks
*jean* said…
super fun and wonderful!! please include me!!

jean (OWOH #889)
artbeckons said…
Cute - Please include me in your drawing =) OWOH #433
Your ATC s are so cute. What a nice assortment you've chosen for your prize. Thank you for participating in the wonderful giveaway. Please enter my name into your drawing. It would be such a delight and honor to win. Jody
Unknown said…
Thank you for the great giveaway & the chance to win!

:) Melissa
Anonymous said…
I love your alien atc's. I'd love to be entered in your very generous give-away. Thank you :)
Banna said…
Please enter me and do run over and enter mine.
I would love to win one of your ATCs! Your site is so beautiful. I would love to win your prize. After this is all over I’m going to spend more time viewing every ones. Please stop at my site too. I’m giving away my new book “16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood.” I will personally sign it for you.


Barbara #830
Connie said…
great giveaway! please come enter my giveaway, too!
connie williams
Amberella said…
Thanks for the chance to win!
Unknown said…
Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my One World One Heart contest. Please enter me in your drawing too!
~Anna Lee (#876 on list)
Birgit said…
Oh, wow -- what a fun prize! :)

Greetings from Munich,
# 756 on the caravan :)
Nikki said…
Your alien ATCs are so much fun. I would love to win one.

Unknown said…
So cute - thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I would love the opportunity to win, please count me in – I have added you to my draw Terry xxx
Kim Reid said…
Please enter me in your great giveaway - Thank you!
Art of Jana said…
Please enter me in your giveaway and if you haven't entered mine, please come on by!

(#905 - OWOH ) Jana

P.S. I'll be back soon...So many giveaways - so little time! :) and I want to make it to each before it's over! :)
You have a beautiful blog and a wonderful giveaway. Love your alien style.

I just started blogging and next year I’ll be joining the caravan.
ArtNomadix said…
Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog, I'll have to come back for a more in depth read later when I have more time,
Love, Light and Rainbows.....Megg
Pamela said…
your aliens are awesome.
What adorable alien ATC's! Please enter my name into your fabulous giveaway drawing. Thanks,
Valerie said…
Love the ATC's. Please count me in. Also I wanted to thank you for entering my giveaway.
Such beautiful entries everywhere!
My first year participating in the OWOH event.
Thank you