sketchbook pages

I decided that I would post some sketchbook pages that you've never seen. I really should work on this sketchbook some more, but I've had it for months and months and there are very few actual pages.

This work is basically whimsical and in the moment type of work. When I keep a sketchbook, I use it as a workspace. It's where I experiment and am not afraid to make a mess...okay well most of the time I try to keep it clean and well kept. It's a contained studio space. I glue, drip, smear, color, rip, and make random sketches.

So these are uploaded not in order incase anyone actually looks through my sketchbook.

The First one is collaged magazine bits, pen, and the blue ink is actually acrylic ink that I lost. I was just experimenting with the ink and how it reacts to layering.

The second page is just a goofy little sketch I did while I was waiting one day for one of my classes to start.

The third is a sketch in permanent marker for one of the "Guns and Butter: Appetite for Fruitloops" paintings I did, you can view the paintings on my flickr if you haven't seen them.

Number four is a swatch of gouache colors that I had mixed, once it had dried I decided that I wanted to scribble on it. So I did scribble, with a various marker I had in my bag at the time.

The fifth one is a collage, from images I got out of a national geographic magazine that I had read on the flight to Israel. I decided I didn't want those great images to go to waste. That is actually the second page of the sketchbook.
You can click on the images, to view them larger.
