Recent ATCs for a swap, traded, 2013.
The Sea
Lillian B. Rose
The sea, the sea: calling out to you and me
Waves rush in to caress the sand
Only to roll out again
The sea, the sea: calmness in its water
But in one fowl swoop
The calm has turned sour
The sea, the sea: breezes clear as day
Salty air meets our lips
Longer, will we stay?
The sea, the sea: soft sand beneath our feet
Breeze cooling our hot hands
One look at your eyes and I Know
The sea, the sea: our ally and friend
The seascape drawing us in
In triumph, two sweethearts together
Creating Minstrels in the sand.
-Lillian B. Rose
(poem found via poemhunter dot com)
I've been having many daydreams about the ocean lately.
I think I am just really excited for summer weather coming soon.
What about you? Are you ready for sea breezes and sunny skies like me?
Happy Monday!
YOLO Monday
Thanks for sharing.
The Nautical Owl