Miles, the Dentist and Lots of Carbs

Today was a day I was kind of dreading before I even woke up.

I was going to my Dentist for the first time in three years and while my dentist is great, her small talk always stresses me out. Also, the fact that it took me three years to go back also made me worry about the state of my teeth...because if you regularly read my blog you know how Irrational I can be at times. I was just going to the dentist for a regular cleaning, not because my teeth were falling out.

So the entire Morning, my favorite little guy Miles refused to take a nap. My crabby baby screamed every minute I tried to do something, anything without him in my arms. I had to hold him while brushing my teeth, attempting to do my hair and trying to find something to wear that looked half way decent. He also ate non-stop. So in his clingy mood I sent my Mom a text and of course, in my Mom's true self she sent back quite the response...

...But what did Miles do at my Mom's house while I was getting my teeth cleaned? He ate and he slept. He let my yellow labs bark away as he slept.

It should be noted that my mom mentioned she forgot to add "read a book" to her list of fun filled activity plans with Miles and that he may be too young for store bought paint so we will have to make some when he's older.

So how did my Dentist appointment go?

Pretty Good. My dentist took me back for my appointment about 15 minutes early because she wanted to catch up. She gave me a hug because she's super touchy-feely. She made comments about how excited she was that I'm now married and a Mom. She's type of woman that is about to bust out in a "Hey girl hey" in any setting. Once when I was in college and had invasilign braces and was up for one of my many appointments she told me I was "so money and I didn't even know it," because apparently she wishes she was Vince Vaughn in the movie Swingers. She told me now that her daughter is in College she'll see a sign and want to go a pizza party but she realizes she can't do that. She clearly wishes she was the life of the party, but she's a good Dentist so that's why I still go there.

Anyway... No cavities. Nothing that I didn't already know. The dental hygienist I've never met before kept telling me how beautiful my teeth are. I'll call that a win.

What did we do after we picked up Miles from my Mom's house? We ate lots of Carbs.

My mom made the comment, "Maybe you should just eat heavier so Miles gets full." Game on, Mom. Funny enough is she made this comment after I told her how much weight I've lost post pregnancy.

There was Calamari with a Spicy Marinara, Mozzarella Sticks and Chicken Pesto Pizza for dinner since I let my husband choose what we ordered. My love for Carbs, Cheese, Seafood and Sun-dried Tomatoes never goes unnoticed to my husband. That's love, right there.

...And now it's time to spend some more quality time with Miles and my Husband, so goodnight all.

The Grits Blog


jess said…
Ahh calamari! I think it may just be my favorite food ever. Love the pictures of Miles!
Unknown said…
Love that little guy!!!!!!!!!
Miss Angie said…
Yum, I love calamari, and man he's a cute little thing!
Anne said…
Calamari...yum!! Thanks for the reminder....I should call my dentist. I dread going!

Thanks for linking up with Ashley and I!
