It's the Little Friday Link up!

Hey ladies and gents,

I promise I'll be back to regularly blogging sometime soon.

I'm just filled with distractions like:
-Baby M talking away making cooing sounds for hours at a time (It's really cute, I promise).
-Falling Asleep during Orange is the New Black episodes because I'm so exhausted yet I waited months for this.
-Pondering over being docked three points off my essay in my Child Development class.
-Hacking up all kinds of fun stuff, thanks allergy season!
-Debating which days I should take off of work and if I did, if I would even leave the house.
-Should I or should I not cut all my hair off.
-I have a preschool song stuck in my head, "Days of the Week, Days of the week....there is Sunday and Monday and..." It probably doesn't help that my husband sings "What's the weather like?" every morning.

But here's the good news... I'm co-hosting the little Friday link up over on one of my favorite blogs...

...So Let's Link up!

  Ash (Follow Here!) // Lindsay (Follow Here!) //  Jenn (Follow Here)

Rules are there are no rules! 

Please link-up to whatever you like! 

All that we ask is, if you wish, please follow us via the links above and that you link back to this blog - so that other's can join in and mingle! 

Happy Little Friday Everyone!

The Grits Blog
