It's Monday, which means it's time for me to write about a few things that I'm currently grateful for.
My son's recent high pitched giggling noise.It makes me laugh which makes him giggle even more. Cheesy motherhood moment.
My husband's goofy one liners.He's running around the house referring to Baby M as his Gucci and his line "Got a long shift at work but I'll make it through my posting lots of selfies. YOLO." Cracked me up completely.
Martha Stewart's line of glues.A girl is becoming addicted. Decoupage glue? Tiny glue pens? This white glue with a top that screws on... I need it all.
Wendy's Chocolate Junior Frosty.A small bit of frozen heaven enjoyed during my lunch break today.
The Whisper App.I enjoy reading other secrets and skimming through the posts when insomnia strikes.
Sleep.Sleep, sweet sweet sweet Sleep. Why did I fight naps so much as a kid?