A High Five for Elf on a Shelf...

"The electricity bill tastes really good, Mom!"

I don't know who created Elf on the Shelf and I don't really care but I think it's absolutely brilliant.

The entire month, I get to remind my preschoolers that their elves are watching and ready to report to Santa if they're not making the right choices. These elves are making these children behave like absolute angels.

There isn't stuff being thrown across the room.
They are not fighting over toys.
They're SHARING with one another.
They have their listening ears on (well, the majority of the time).
They are not jumping off the furniture.
They are using the bathroom properly and washing their hands.
They are drawing only on paper.
They even are not trying to only eat their fruit snacks for lunch..."Ms. Jenn, I ate all of my sandwich!"

...and my most favorite, I'm not hearing my preschoolers say to one another "You're not my friend anymore!"

After December, my next question is what character comes to report to Santa the rest of the year?

Also, I need to think a solution for when M is older.
He clearly (and cutely), does what he wants!
Do I make him a small Maccabee (we're Jewish) that travels around our house?

Meanwhile, M is smiling right now at me...plotting his next move...

What do you think of Elf on a Shelf?
