My little guy's due date is tomorrow and I'm hoping we get to meet him shortly.
I'm growing very impatient.
I thought I would write him a letter to tell him bits and pieces about my pregnancy, so here goes nothing:
Baby M,
I've never been so excited to meet someone in my life. I apologize in advance for being forgetful sometimes, which is why I'm trying to document the little things in advance.
Here is a list of some things you may want to know, in no particular order.
1. We first found out of your existence in May.
Your father was so excited, he hugged and hugged me...and told me how much he loved me.
When we first told your grandparents, we were at their house for a dinner of steamed crabs.
My mom thought we were joking.
Don't worry Grandpa told her we wouldn't joke about such a thing and she started hugging your dad.
2. The first time I felt you move was at a Baltimore Orioles game over the summer.
I told your dad I felt weird, got up and walked around while my stomach felt like it was fluttering away.
Dad just reminded me you were excited about the baseball game. Let it be known you also made me sick several times on the monorail over the summer going to and from said baseball games.
3. We kept you a secret.
I was really good about keeping my mouth shut about being Pregnant till September. You'll learn now that Mom is pretty superstitious.
4. Daddy got really excited when we saw you were a boy during the ultrasound.
I'm serious, he clenched his fist and yelled "YESSSS! I love you babe!"
I laughed, the technician looked mortified.
5. It took us a while to decide on your name. You were named after relatives on your Great Grandfather's (maternal) side.
All the M's in your names come from your Great Great Grandfather and your Great Great Uncles who perished during the Holocaust. We did this so you'd realize the amazing linage you came from...strong men with great values who would do anything for their families.
We originally wanted to name you a different first name, but your Great Grandma wasn't having it and I couldn't live with the fact that I was making her blood pressure going up.
6. During my pregnancy, we ate a lot of carrots, blueberries and guacamole.
I joked that you would come out bright orange.
7. You're coming into a family of collectors.
Take care of your Grandma's Sea glass collection, your Mom's art/art collection and your Dad's baseball card and music collection. These are our treasures to give to you when we're gone.
8. When your Uncle (your Mom's brother) found out about you, he promised you two things.
First, a college savings fund and Second, a lifetime membership to the NRA.
I cringed at the NRA comment, please no guns.
9. Your maternal grandparents started buying you things that aren't age appropriate already.
I promise, you don't need that go-kart just yet.
10. You're lucky enough to have a massive electric drum set in the back of your room and an endless supply of art supplies.
If you want to make music or art, that's fine with us but you'll never be forced to. We want you to do what you love but that reminds me of the new point I wanted to list...
11. "No Liberal Arts!"
Your dad and I have been joking about this all of my pregnancy. Honestly, we'll support you in whatever you choose but we want you to dream big.
12. You were hyperactive in the womb.
Your dad and I constantly watched you move across my stomach, back and forth, up and down.
I was unfortunately in two car accidents where I was rear-ended, 7 months and 8 months pregnant. When we were monitored at the hospital when I was 8 months pregnant, you moved so much you kept knocking the fetal monitor off.
13. You really enjoyed listening to hip hop/rap music in the car.
I assume it has something you do when the beats on the songs but you would go from moving around like crazy leaving work everyday to calming down when I put on the radio and drove.
14. You are very loved.
I sang to you everyday during my pregnancy, making up songs. So did your dad on occasion.
We also had two SURPRISE baby showers. You have more toys than you could play with and more clothes than you possibly could wear.
15. Four year olds were constantly giving you hugs.
Working as an assistant pre-k teacher, I constantly had kids wanting to touch my stomach and tell you hi. They asked when you were coming out everyday and if they could watch. They claimed to feel you moving too.
Well little guy, I'm pretty tired but this letter is just a start to the many things I'm going to tell you over the years. We love you so much and are getting antsy over meeting you (hopefully very very soon).
All My Love,
Jessica @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights