This past Sunday, my 2nd Grade Sunday School students made decorations for the Jewish Holiday Tu B'Shevat which is coming up on January 15th.
I like to compare Tu B'Shevat to Arbor Day.
In the beginning of the lesson, we talked about how the holiday takes place on 15th day of Shevat (Hebrew Month).
Tu B’Shevat is also known as the birthday of the Trees.
I asked my students if they have ever planted any trees. ..
We then had a discussion about if they know how to identify how old a tree is and the gifts that trees can give us.
Utilizing the fruit from trees as a commandment in the Torah:
“For the first three years of a tree’s life, you may not eat it’s fruit. During the fourth year, it’s fruit must be given to God. Only when a tree is five years old may you eat it’s fruit.”
After our discussion, students made paper trees and Tu B'Shevat Garlands for Decorations.
Materials used: Construction Paper, Markers, Scissors, Glue, Yarn, Tape
In the example garland I made I used the following foods representative of Tu B'Shevat:

Then my students got creative, here are two examples:

Another successful Sunday School craft!
Hope you all are having a lovely week so far...
Happy Tu B'Shevat to those who celebrate!!